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LaTeX × TU Delft


Feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions or issues related to the templates or this documentation. You can send an email to or create an issue in the appropriate repository (Report/Thesis Template / Article Template / Documentation). With specific questions, please try to include the version number of the template (which can be found in tudelft-report.cls or layout/tudelft-article.cls).

With the TU Delft having abandoned their official LaTeX templates, I decided to rewrite the report/thesis template from scratch. Once a template shared with a few friends, now a properly documented template. Although I am now studying at the University of Groningen, I am still maintaining these templates and answerings questions. Accepting donations is merely an afterthought, but if you would like to support this personal project:

  • Via bank transfer: NL90ABNA0540801100 (BIC: ABNANL2A)
  • Via PayPal/Credit card: Donation link